Turun Kauppaopetussäätiö Foundation awards annually grants for doctoral and post doc research and travel grants in business studies and economics. The Foundation opens now a call for travel grants.
Financial support is available for doctoral researchers, post doc researchers and teachers carrying out research at an educational institution in Turku. The maximum amount for the travel grant is 5000 EUR. Applications will be submitted through the digital grant service during the application period:
Travel grants may be used for conference trips, research visits, trips for data collection, and trips related to doctoral courses abroad. Travel grants may be used to cover registrations fees, travel costs, and accommodation costs. Financial support is not awarded for other cost (like meals, per diem, printing costs, ESTA or Visa). Travel grants are intended for the costs of trips and visits only, so there is no connection to the statutory pension security system.
The recipient of the grant must report on the use of the grant and a summary of the completion of the trip within two months after the completion of the trip.
The grant must be used for the purpose for which it is awarded. Changes to the use of the grant (e.g. purpose or travel destination) are not allowed. For well justified reasons, it may be possible to change the travel dates, but the trip must take place within 12 months of the grant decision.
The applicant must commit to return the grant if the trip does not take place within the schedule mentioned above. The grant is not awarded for a trip that has already been started or completed.
A travel grant can only be applied for one trip during each application round. If the applicant submits more than one application during the application round, only the first application to arrive will be processed. The grant application might not be processed if a report on a travel or research grant Turun Kauppaopetussäätiö has previously granted has not been provided by the set deadline.
Required information to the conference trip application:
Required information to applications for research visits, course trips and trips for data collection:
Notifications related to the grant will be sent by email to the address in the grant application. List of the awarded grants/grant receivers is published on the Foundation´s website.
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